FLAG Conference
Annual FLAG Awards
Georgia has outstanding educators, leaders, programs, and supporters. Their talents make Georgia a leader in world language education.
Please visit our web page at www.flageorgia.net, follow the link to Awards, and nominate a colleague, program, or leader. The instructions, applications, and information for each award can be found on the web page.
Administrative Support of Foreign Languages
Fostering Partnerships with World Languages
Leadership in World Languages
Professor of the Year
Teacher of Promise
Teacher of the Year
Recognize our stars and encourage our new educators.
The deadline for nominations is November 24, 2024.
All dossier will have to be completed and submitted by December 15th, 2024
These awards will be presented at our annual conference in Augusta on March 1st, 2025.
MS/HS/FLES/ESFL Spoken Language Contest
The FLAG Middle & High School Spoken Language Contest is an annual event in which students from across the state demonstrate their ability to use the target language in oral communication.
Please use this Spoken Contest link to have more information regarding the competition.
Please remember to pay your FLAG dues for 2024-2025 school year. Dues are payable for the school year (September 1 through August 31).
To join or renew, simply fill out the application at the link below and submit it, along with your payment through PayPal.
We look forward to seeing you at a FLAG event in the 2024-2025 school year.
Membership Benefits
•FLAG provides a source of interaction and contact with colleagues and WL professionals at all levels of instruction and gives you admittance to a forum for the sharing and presentation of the latest trends in the profession.
•FLAG advocates on your behalf and represents your interests (official representation at SCOLT, ACTFL, and the JNCL/NCLIS Delegate Assembly).
•Eligible to attend and/or present at the annual FLAG conference.
•Participation in the FLES and MS/HS Spoken Language Contests.
•Eligible to receive FLAG awards.
•Eligible for offices as well as voting privileges.
Please follow this link for Membership information and payment.
View our list of Patrons
FLAG is delighted to announce a special conference grant for new teachers provided by CULTR!
Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) Grant
Grant Click HERE
Summer Training Option Click HERE
Georgia World Language Teacher
Peer Mentoring Program
Mentoring is a critical component to teacher success, and thereby student achievement. Mentoring is even more powerful when it's done with someone in the same content area. As world language teachers, we don't always have a language mentor in our school, or even in the district. That's the reason STaRLT is launching a peer mentor program for Georgia's world language teachers. Our inaugural cohort will begin in the 2024-25 school year.
The vendor registration for the 2025 FLAG conference is now open.
Spaces are already being filled.
FLAG is excited about hosting another conference in Augusta. Our previous conference in Augusta was a great success with the teachers, administrators, and vendors.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to secure vendor space. Please complete your registration by using the following link.
For further information, please contact Mary Ellen Foye at eyofme@aol.com.